Friday, June 8, 2012

Agilent Soft touch pro

Working with Agilent Logic analyzer , I was thrilled to see the technology that has come up in the field of debugging .

I realized lately that XUP-V5 board has a mictor port available for debugging. Mictor stands for Matched impedance connector , very useful for capturing high speed signals and it also captures lot of signals in a small footprint.
Mictor Connector

After this I saw the Soft touch pro , an awesome implementation of contact-less probing . No its not actually contact-less, but it like the probe just touches the pads/lands. Though it has an overhead of soldering additional holder around the trace temporarily, its can be incorporated in end products. No extra cost on connectors on each board, and small foot print a win-win combo. Only thing is that one needs to buy a Agilent soft touch pro connector , which might cost heavily.

Dying to try them all.

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