Monday, June 18, 2012

Idle mode disables JTAG interface in LPC2378

I was working with MCB2300 a ARM7 development/evaluation board from Keil. It has LPC2378 , a 32bit 144pin ,ARM7 by NXP .
Interestingly , when i started working on it , around 8 months before , i couldn't figure out that it had Serial ISP. The online userguide on Kiel website is not very friendly.

So, I am an expert in messing things up. I asked the mcu to sleep , but did not tell when to wake up. So whenever i reset the system , the system did perform some task and within miliseconds it would go into Idle mode.
  PCON |= 1; // MCU goes into idle mode

When i tied to program it using JTAG , it won't respond. I was not able to program .Finally, I asked in forums (ARM and Kiel).
It was pretty simple , if JTAG goes down, go for Serial ISP.

Need to put some jumpers on (ISP and COM0)
remove ETM jumper if there.

Erase flash using flashmagic @ 19200 baudrate .
It not done, you need to put it some new code to see whether you Ulink JTAG debugger is not faulty.

I was very happy that Kiel and ARM guys had replied so fast.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Agilent Soft touch pro

Working with Agilent Logic analyzer , I was thrilled to see the technology that has come up in the field of debugging .

I realized lately that XUP-V5 board has a mictor port available for debugging. Mictor stands for Matched impedance connector , very useful for capturing high speed signals and it also captures lot of signals in a small footprint.
Mictor Connector

After this I saw the Soft touch pro , an awesome implementation of contact-less probing . No its not actually contact-less, but it like the probe just touches the pads/lands. Though it has an overhead of soldering additional holder around the trace temporarily, its can be incorporated in end products. No extra cost on connectors on each board, and small foot print a win-win combo. Only thing is that one needs to buy a Agilent soft touch pro connector , which might cost heavily.

Dying to try them all.

Digitally Controlled Impedance

Working with Xilinx Virtex5 FPGA , I found this feature called DCI (Digitally controlled Impedance) very interesting. 

If we have an IC with several hundred pins and one wants to pull up all the GPIO pins through a resistor and further connect it to some simple device say, switches. Then in a conventional scenario one needs hundreds of resistors to be connected. This increases the area consumed. 
If the IC has DCI, it will match all termination resistors(which will be some transistors already fabricated on the chip ) to this reference resistor and terminate internally. This decreasing the resistors required and the area.

I know only from the application point of view , but will look into how is this implemented in near future.